Microscore May

May is New Zealand Music Month, a chance to celebrate all things NZ music. I have always been involved in extra activities during the month, but I decided that this year I would do a project of my own - write 31 musical microscores in the 31 days of May. I will write one and then post it online every day - no exceptions! Miniature harpI am very much looking forward to it, but am in the process of thinking how exactly I will go about it, so I thought the big wide world may be able to help me. What I'm pondering is:

  • What instruments should I do it for? A different instrument each day? Select perhaps six in total? Have only one instrument?
  • Are there any performers out there who would be keen to perform them through the month?
  • Any ideas on a theme that could tie them all together?

I look forward to any thoughts or comments.


blimp, for orchestra


An exploration "Behind Bars"