A month of New Zealand music
New Zealand Music Month is here again. Make sure you get out and enjoy some New Zealand Music - well, more than usual, I hope!
You may remember for last year's Music Month I wrote 31 microscores in 31 days. It was a huge success and loads of fun. Check out this post to read about the project or listen to the microscores.
This year I don't quite have a project like that ready to go, but here are some events that my music is involved with this Music Month:
3rd May: William Green performs This Day this Thursday
As part of Auckland Central Library's FREE Thursday lunchtime concert series, William is playing my piece, This Day, as part of his "NZ piano music of the 2000s" concert.
Thursday 3rd May, 12:10pm until 1pm. Whare Wānanga, Level 2, Central City Library, 44-46 Lorne Street - don't be late, my piece opens the concert. Click here for the lunchtime concert series brochure.
9th May: Auckland Philharmonia Tiraki read-through
The Auckland Philharmonia reads through the first drafts of my piece, Tiraki, written for the orchestra and the Auckland Town Hall organ. You may like to check out my post on the project or my photos from a recent tour of the organ.
18th - 20th May: Making music for V48 Hours
I will be working again with Sideways Productions, making music for their production. You may like to see my post from last year's film.
31st May: Hook Line and Sing-along
Every year the NZ Music Commission runs a competition for school students to write a song for Music Month. The song is sung by schools across New Zealand at 12pm on the last day of Music Month. The idea is to get as many people singing together as possible - for fun and to focus on the fundamental pleasures of life, music, and the importance of music education.
This year the song is 21 Degrees by Bruce Taiapa. I typeset the lead sheet and created an arrangement for a variety of instruments so instrumentalists can play along with the track as well.
Download everything you need here.
Have a good month.